Corruptie Infodemic Lock down Proportionaliteit Vaccin Wetenschap

mRNA Vaccinatie

“Massa mRNA Vaccinatie Roekeloos en onnodig”, zegt Prof. Dr. Theo Schetters maar wiskundige Pepijn van Erp weet beter…

Aerosolen Lock down Modellen Wetenschap


Onderzoek naar invloed van drukte op verspreiding.


Roel Bekker

Roel Bekker, emeritus hoogleraar Arbeidsverhoudingen in de publieke sector aan de Universiteit Leiden, en voorheen onder meer secretaris-generaal van het ministerie van VWS en van Vernieuwing Rijksdienst, evalueert de corona-aanpak in een extra lange aflevering van Special State of Science.

Modellen Wetenschap

Data over Covid-19

Infodemic Juridisch Tegenspraak Wetenschap

Covid19, a syndemic?

Aerosolen Wetenschap

Aerosol en luchtvervuiling (PM)

5. Conclusions

SARS-CoV-2 transmission is a crucial public health concern, and many aspects of this route urgently require further study. Currently, increasing evidence has shown that droplet-aerosol transmission is an important route for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Epidemiological reports identified an association between PM and COVID-19; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this paper, we hypothesized that PM is a possible transmission model for COVID-19 by direct and/or indirect SARS-CoV-2 infection of the lungs. First, PM2.5 may provide a good platform to “shade” and “carry” the SARS-CoV-2 during atmospheric transport. Thus, PM2.5 containing SARS-CoV-2 could be a direct transmission model in a highly polluted area. Second, PM upregulates ACE2 expression and SARS-CoV-2 has high affinity for the ACE2 receptor. This suggests that PM may increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 via ACE2 expression. The combination of PM and SARS-CoV-2 may aggravate lung injury by increasing inflammation. Herein, providing insights into the risk of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via PM.

Ethiek Gezondheid Lock down Proportionaliteit Tegenspraak Vaccin Wetenschap

kinderen in 2021 de klos

De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie schat dat uitgestelde vaccinatiecampagnes er in zeker 26 landen toe heeft geleid dat zo’n 94 miljoen kinderen hun mazelen-vaccin hebben gemist.

Corruptie Ethiek Infodemic Modellen PCR test Proportionaliteit Tegenspraak Wetenschap

Hoe specialisten ons het Coronamoeras in dreven

Een mooi pleidooi voor ‘de generalist’ van een medisch specialist:

Proportionaliteit Tegenspraak Wetenschap

‘Long Covid’ wat is dat?

Nieuw cohort study:

laatste in nature:

(update 18-07-22 )

In NL:

Long Covid

lifelines onderzoek UMC Groningen

Toevoeging 18-08-22

Amerikaans onderzoek

Cohort study N=189

Infodemic Proportionaliteit Tegenspraak Wetenschap

Selection-bias ondermijnt begrip van ernst Covid19

Collider bias can arise when researchers restrict analyses on a collider variable13,14,15. Within the context of COVID-19 studies, this may relate to restricting analyses to those people who have experienced an event such as hospitalization with COVID-19, been tested for active infection or who have volunteered their participation in a large scale study (Fig. 2a). Among hospitalized patients, the relationships between any variables that relate to hospitalization will be distorted compared to among the general population. The magnitude of this distortion can be large, inducing associations that do not exist in the general population or attenuating, inflating or reversing the sign of existing associations16. As such, associations based on ascertained COVID-19 datasets may not reflect patterns in the population of interest (i.e. lack of external validity)